25 Before 25

As well as my daily resolutions I also have this list of things I want to do before my twenty-fifth birthday next year.
  1. Hollow out a book to make a secret hiding place.
  2. Get a tattoo.
  3. Submit a short story for publication. Then frame the rejection letter.
  4. Learn to do cartwheels.
  5. Knit a scarf.
  6. Learn to pick locks.
  7. Do 100 pushups.
  8. Set foot in Europe.
  9. Perform stand-up comedy.
  10. Set up an Etsy shop.
  11. Take a road trip.
  12. Learn to use a sewing machine, and sew something from scratch.
  13. Develop an appreciation for scotch.
  14. Learn to reverse park
  15. Decorate a cake.
  16. Go to a music festival.
  17. Do a pull-up. Just one. 
  18. Host a dinner party.
  19. Host a tea party.
  20. Read every Booker Prize-winning novel. Except the Peter Carey ones.
  21. Speak conversational Spanish.
  22. Win a game of chess.
  23. Run in a 5km race.
  24. Triple the amount of money in my savings account.
  25. Play a whole song on the guitar.

I can haz chessboard?