Sunday, January 16, 2011

January 15, 2011 - Drink 8 glasses of water

I once worked in an office where a few of us used to bring empties of those three-litre juice bottles to work, fill them with water, and then have a water-drinking race. It was a fairly stressful environment so excuses to go to the bathroom were always a good thing. I suppose I could have just gone to the bathroom anyway, just washed my hands or something, but then I would feel bad about lying. Much better to drink the better part of a gallon of water and let nature take its course.

I don't work there any more so I don't drink nearly as much water, though I should because I spend a lot of time at the gym and it's not airconditioned. People leave there looking like they've taken a shower with their clothes on.

By cruel coincidence my gym is on the same street as my favourite cafe, the one with the beer-battered fries and aioli, thus setting up a perpetual cycle of fries --> spin class --> more fries.

It is also time to send another fan letter.

"Dear Microsoft,

When I was twelve, I bought my own Playstation so I could play Need for Speed: High Stakes without having to wait for my brother to finish with Dino Crisis.

We bought an Xbox even though the salesman at JB Hi-Fi told my boyfriend he should get a Wii "for the chick." I was lied to about cake. I watched an elephant get electrocuted. I shot the engineer, with the rod gun, and set it on fire, because I didn't like Veronica Dare.

You know, if it weren't for those Foxtel-on-Xbox commercials, I never would have realised that I was supposed to use my Xbox to watch crappy pay TV. But now I have a problem. I don't actually have three dimwitted, scantily-dressed friends to come around, ogle my boyfriend and coo over my shiny television. Do the friends come with the Foxtel package? This would explain why you're charging $20 a month. Surely people aren't paying that amount purely for the privilege of watching several dozen channels of lukewarm American sitcoms, complete with commercials. 

I'm really excited about Kinect though, since the existing Xbox controller doesn't fit in my girly little hands.


2 days on the wagon.

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